Bell on main quad

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Bloomfield students gathered around to watch the solar eclipse.

Solar Eclipse Brings Campus Community Together on College Quad

Art pieces featured in Scott H. Kaplan Art Gallery

Scott H. Kaplan ’02 Art Gallery to Host a Dozen Artists in April Exhibition

Aurelio Soto on Bloomfield College campus.

Aurelio Soto ’23

John Skowronski on Bloomfield College campus.

John Skowronski ’91

Cassandra Bien-Aime on Bloomfield College campus.

Cassandra Bien-Aime ’07

Sign for Frances M. McLaughlin Division of Nursing.

New Jersey Nursing Program Nominated for National AACN/Benchworks Assessment and Impact Award

Corey Morgart and Therese Sheridan watch as RNBHunter, sitting between them, signs a document.

How Alumni Launched a Record Label

Exterior of Center for Technology + Creativity building

Bloomfield College of Montclair State University and Donald M. Payne, Sr. School of Technology Announce Dual Enrollment Program

Daisha Robinson speaking with local in the shade of a tree

College Student’s First Flight Begins Transformative Learning Experience

Bloomfield College of Montclair State University media communications major, Daisha Robinson ’25, recently returned from a transformative South Africa learning opportunity coordinated through her media communications professor, Jason Torreano. The student’s work there was part of a plan to further enhance the College’s international engagement portfolio in the region.

Ameen Jebali

College Students Publish Stories in Local News Outlet

A partnership between Bloomfield College of Montclair State University and Worrall Media has created the opportunity for college students in a Journalism 1 class taught by Professor Jason Torreano to work hand-in-hand with the publication’s editor, Joe Ungaro, to publish stories in local newspapers and on their websites.

BC Bears Logo

Bloomfield College of Montclair State University to Suspend Six Athletics Programs

Men’s and Women’s Track and Field, Men’s and Women’s Cross Country, Women’s Soccer and Women’s Bowling will be suspended beginning in the fall of 2024.

Maurice A. Lyle on Bloomfield College campus.

Maurice Lyle ’09