Wide view of students hanging out at the picnic tables in front of talbott hall on a sunny day

Student Rights and Responsibilities

First Time Borrowers

If you are a student borrowing your first Federal Direct Loan at Bloomfield College, please complete the Direct Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN). New Federal Direct Loan borrowers are required, by federal regulation, to complete a pre-loan counseling session. All borrowers must also attend an exit interview prior to leaving the University. Funds are sent to Bloomfield College at the beginning of the term they are intended for and are issued each semester. The funds for the first time borrowers may not be released until 30 days after the semester begins. One-semester loans are delivered in two payments with the second payment delivered no earlier than mid-term. Parents of the dependent students may apply for a Federal PLUS (Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students) loan. Parents of all income levels are eligible; however, there is a credit worthiness evaluation conducted by the lender before the loan is approved. Parents may apply for the entire cost of attendance at Bloomfield College minus any financial aid the student receives.


All federal student aid, including Federal Direct Loans, will be submitted to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders, servicers, and schools determined to be authorized users of the data system.

Student Responsibilities

  • Meet your financial obligations to the college.
  • Know and comply with the rules governing all financial aid you receive.
  • Read and understand all materials sent by the Financial Aid Office.
  • Accept responsibility for all agreements signed by you and keep copies of all materials for your records.
  • To provide the Financial Aid Office with all verification materials requested within the time frame given.
  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year prior to the college’s established priority deadline.
  • Advise the Financial Aid Office if you change your housing status from the original application and/or change your enrollment status at any time.
  • Respond promptly to any information requests from external organizations, including the NJ Higher Education Assistance Authority (NJ HESAA).
  • Notify the Financial Aid Office immediately if you expect to withdraw or take a leave of absence from the college.
  • Advise the Financial Aid Office of any additional aid (outside sources) received which are not indicated on your financial aid award letter.
  • Maintain good standing and satisfactory academic progress as defined in the academic section of this catalog.
  • Report to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) any grants and/and scholarships which are in excess of tuition, fees and books which completing your federal tax return.

Student Rights

  • To have complete information regarding fees, payment, and refund policies available to you.
  • To have all personal and family financial information treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.
  • To have aid awards credited to their account in a timely manner.
  • To know the source(s) and amount(s) of aid for which they are eligible.
  • To submit an appeal or request a reevaluation if circumstances change.
  • To know what portion of your financial aid package must be repaid and what portion does not.