- Student Emergency Book Grants are for purchasing/renting books (only at the campus bookstore) for the classes/semester the student is currently enrolled.
- A student is allowed to take out no more than two (2) Student Emergency Book Grants per academic year (not to exceed $350).
- If you have defaulted on paying back your Student Emergency Loan, you are not eligible for a Book Grant.
- If a book is rented on your behalf, it is up to you to return the book on said due date. If you fail to do so, the cost will be added to your student account.
- ALL books purchased by the Emergency Book Grant becomes the property of Student Affairs at the end of the semester.
- Books must be returned on the day of your final for that class. If you fail to do so, the cost will be added to your student account.
- A Student Emergency Book Grant cannot be granted without a letter of hardship from the student applicant. Please provide a copy of your current course schedule.