three students talk outside of residence hall on Bloomfield College campus


When you live on campus, you’ve got everything right outside your door. It’s easy to get involved – and even easier to meet new people! You can do all this while experiencing college life on a safe campus that offers top-notch living options.

Please note: You must be financially settled with Student Financial Services and submit all required immunization records to the Office of Health Services in order to check-in and receive your room key.

Room keys WILL NOT be issued to any student who has not settled his/her financial account and/or submitted all required health records to the Office of Health Services.

What You Should Bring

What You Should Bring

Your residence hall room is most likely smaller than your room at home and you will be sharing it with one or two other students. We recommend that you bring the essential items (such as clothing, shoes and coats) and a few items to help your room feel like home. This will make move-in day easier and give you and your roommate(s) an opportunity to coordinate items for the room.

Recommended Items

All electrical appliances (anything you plug into a wall outlet) must be UL certified. In order to reduce the risk of fire, room fans, clothes irons and surge protectors must each have an automatic shut-off mechanism. If your alarm clock can accept a battery back-up in case of a power outage, don’t forget to bring batteries for it.

Refrigerators are not needed in 225 Liberty St., 23 Park Place and Franklin Hall residences. If you’re moving into one of these three residences, please do not bring a refrigerator.

It would be a good idea to get in contact with your roommate before purchasing certain items. Decide ahead of time whether it makes sense to bring one large TV to share or if you’ll each need your own separate TVs. Decide together whether it makes sense to bring a small stereo or computer speakers, or if you and your roommate would prefer to use headphones 100% of the time.

Prohibited Items

The following items are not allowed in residence halls.

Contact Residential Education and Housing Office

Franklin Street Residence Hall, 1st Floor

Phone: 973-655-2895

Academic Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30AM – 4:30PM
Summer Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:30 am – 5 pm (Closed on Fridays)

Jahkahli JohnsonAssistant Director of Residence
Alexis CobbArea
Marcus LeakCommunity
Taira NailsResidence Life

Maintenance Requests/Work Orders

If you’re experiencing any issues with the building itself, furniture, and/or other maintenance related concerns, please email your Residence Life Coordinator, or Community Director with the specific details. Be sure to state your room number and where the item can be located, such as, the bottom dresser drawer on the left side of the room, or the outlet behind the desk on the right side of the room.

Please refer to the contact list to see which professional staff member you should be contacting about your maintenance concern. You can also notify your Resident Assistant (RA) and they will pass the information along and make sure it gets to the Facilities team.